Course Outline

  • Ask questions on our Ed forum for this semester.
  • Homeworks will be posted as links in the outline below.
  • Please submit completed homework via Gradescope.

Lecture Playlist

NEW Lab/OH Queue Form

Lab/OH Queue Form
Week Date Lecture Topic Discussion ASIC Lab FPGA Lab Homework
1 1/17 Class Organization & Introduction to Course Content (slides) (recording) Discussion 1 (slides) (worksheet) No Lab No Lab Homework 1 (Solution)
2 1/22 Design Alternatives & ASIC Flow(slides) (recording) Discussion 2 (slides) (worksheet) (solutions) Lab 1 Lab 1 Homework 2 (solutions)
  1/24 Verilog Part 1 (slides) (recording) Verilog Review      
3 1/29 Verilog Part 2 (slides) (recording) Discussion 3 (slides) (worksheet) (solutions) Lab 2 Lab 2 Homework 3 (Solutions)
  1/31 FPGA Architecture (slides) (recording)        
4 2/5 Combinational Logic & Boolean Algebra (slides) (recording) Discussion 4 (slides) (worksheet) (solutions) Lab 3 Lab 3 Homework 4 (solution)
  2/7 Finite State Machines 1 (slides) (recording)        
5 2/12 Finite State Machines 2 (slides) (recording) Discussion 5(slides)(worksheet) (solutions)(recording) Lab 4 Lab 4 Homework 5 (solution)
  2/14 CMOS Circuits 1 (slides) (recording)        
6 2/19 Presidents’ Day Discussion 6(slides) (worksheet) (solutions) (recording) Lab 5   Homework 6(solution)
  2/21 CMOS Circuits 2 (slides) (recording)        
7 2/26 Circuit Timing Part 1 (slides) (recording) Discussion 7(slides) (worksheet) (solutions) (recording) Lab 6 Lab 5 Homework 7 (solutions)
  2/28 Circuit Timing Part 1 Cont. (slides) (recording)        
8 3/4 Circuit Timing Part 2 (slides) (recording) Discussion 8(concept review)(problem review)(concept review recording 1)(concept review recording 2)   Lab 6  
  3/6 RISC-V Microarchitecture and Implementation (slides) (recording)        
9 3/11 Midterm Review (slides) (recording) Discussion 9(slides) ASIC Project FPGA Project  
  3/12 Midterm 7-10pm       Midterm(solutions)
  3/13 RISC-V Part 2 (slides) (recording)        
10 3/18 Memory Blocks 1 (slides)(recording) Discussion 10(slides) Checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 1 Homework 8 (solutions)
  3/20 Memory Blocks 2 (slides) (recording)        
11 3/25 Spring Break        
  3/27 Spring Break        
12 4/1 Memory Blocks 2 (slides) (recording) Discussion 11(slides)   Checkpoint 2a Homework 9 (solutions)
  4/3 Power and Energy (slides) (recording)        
13 4/8 Parallelism (slides) (recording) Discussion 12(slides) Checkpoint 2 Checkpoint 2b Homework 10(solutions)
  4/10 List Processor Example Design (slides) (recording)        
14 4/15 Adders (slides) (recording) Discussion 13(slides)     Homework 11(solutions)
  4/17 Multipliers & Shifters (slides) (recording)        
15 4/22 Guest Lecture: Hardware Verification Final Discussion Problems(slides) Checkpoint 3 Checkpoint 3  
  4/24 Clock and Wrap-up (slides) (recording)        
16 4/29 RRR No Lecture        
  5/1 RRR No Lecture   Final Checkoff    
FINAL 5/7 Final Exam 11:30A - 2:30P   Report due midnight 5/8    

Lectures, Labs, Office Hours

Content Days Times Location Staff
Lectures Mon, Wed 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Soda 306 John Wawrzynek
Discussion Fri 10:00 am - 11:00 am Cory 540AB Justin Kalloor
  Fri 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Wheeler 108 Kevin Anderson
  Fri 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Hearst Mining 310 Kevin Anderson
ASIC Lab Tu 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Cory 111/117 Kevin He
  Tu 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Cory 111/117 Kevin Anderson
FPGA Labs Mon 8:00 am - 11:00 am Cory 111/117 Daniel Endraws
  Mon 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Cory 111/117 Daniel Endraws
  Tu 8:00 am - 11:00 am Cory 111/117 Rohit Kanagal
  Mon 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Cory 111/117 Dhruv Vaish
Office Hours Mon 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm 631 Soda John Wawrzynek
  Tu 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Cory 111/117 Kevin He
  Tu 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cory 111/117 Allen Chen
  Wed 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Cory 111/117 Dhruv’s OH
  Thurs 9:00 am - 11:00 am Cory 111/117 Daniel Endraws
  Thurs 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Cory 111/117 Kevin Anderson
  Tu 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Cory 111/117 Rohit Kanagal
  Fri 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Cory 111/117 Justin Kalloor
  Fri 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Cory 111/117 Reuben Thomas

Discussions, Homework

  • Conceptual and homework questions should be directed to Ed forum for this semester.
  • Homeworks will be posted as links in the outline, available in PDF format.
  • Please submit completed homework via Gradescope. Homework will be released on Fridays before midnight, and will be due on the Monday 10 days later.


john photo John Wawrzynek johnw at berkeley dot edu
kevina photo Kevin Anderson
(Discussion, HW, ASIC Lab)
kevinand at berkeley dot edu
justin photo Justin Kalloor
(Discussion & HW)
jkalloor3 at berkeley dot edu
dhruv photo Dhruv Vaish
(FPGA Lab)
dvaish at berkeley dot edu
daniel photo Daniel Endraws
(FPGA Lab)
daniel.endraws at berkeley dot edu
kevinhe photo Kevin He
(ASIC Lab)
kevinjhe at berkeley dot edu
rohit photo Rohit Kanagal
(FPGA Lab)
rkanagal at berkeley dot edu
reuben photo Reuben Thomas
reubenkthomas at berkeley dot edu
Allen photo Allen Chen
jiyangchen at berkeley dot edu


Previous Exams

Homework Policy

Homework will be released on Fridays before midnight, and will be due on the Monday 10 days later. Homework will be challenging and graded for correctness.



Problem Sets 30%
Participation 5%
Midterm 30%
Final 35%


Lab Reports 25%
Project 75%


Lab Checkoffs + Reports 25%
Project 75%

Cheating Policy

  • If you turn in someone else’s work as if it were your own, you are guilty of cheating.  This includes problem sets, answers on exams, lab exercise checks, project design, and any required course turn-in material.
  • Also, if you knowingly aid in cheating, you are guilty.
  • We have software that compares your submitted work to others.
  • However, it is okay to discuss with others lab exercises and the project (obviously, okay to work with project partner). Okay to discuss homework with others. But everyone must turn in their own work.
  • Do not post your work on public repositories like github (private o.k.)
  • If we catch you cheating, you will get negative points on the assignment: It is better to not do the work than to cheat! If it is a midterm exam, final exam, or final project, you get an F in the class.  All cases of cheating reported to the office of student conduct.